JOY Event at the Cove

Richard Blackaby - 

Revelation: Hope for the Last Days from the Last Book

March 24 – 26, 2025

Cost: $150.00 – includes: transportation each day, the seminar, and meals while at the Cove
We will travel by church vans over to the Cove each day. 

Reservations for this event are now closed.  Please contact Susan Garrett at 828-693-3493 to be placed on a waiting list.

JOY March Fellowship Luncheon

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

12:30PM - 316 Center

Sign up for this event at the Welcome Center or to sign up and pay on line, please  CLICK HERE.

Day Trip to the
Billy Graham Library

Thursday, April 10

Join us as we travel to the Billy Graham Library and Museum.  We will leave the FBC Fifth Avenue Parking Lot at 7:30am for the drive to Charlotte, and spend several hours learning more about this great evangelist.  This trip also include lunch at the Graham Brothers Dairy Bar.  

To Register for this trip please CLICK HERE.

JOY Trip to Niagara Falls and the Amish Country
September 27 - October 2, 2025

Join us as we partner with Christian Tours for one of their most popular trips to Niagara Falls and the Pennsylvania Amish Country.

We will enjoy the sights and sounds of Niagara Falls, which includes a Journey Behind the Falls and then board a boat to the base of the Falls. After two exciting days in Canada, we will travel to Lancaster, PA to visit the quiet peaceful life of the Amish people.  

Cost per person: Single Occupancy - $1755; Double - $1429;

                                 Triple - $1345; Quadruple - $1299

Cost includes: Luxury Motor Coach Transportation, Tickets to venues, 5 continental breakfast and 3 dinners.


Brochures and registration forms are available at the Welcome Center, or  call Christian Tours directly at 800-476-3900. A deposit of $350 is required to hold your spot. Discounts are offered if you register and pay by June 24th.